Monday, November 16, 2009

No wonder I'm mad!

This happened 3 months ago but nothing has changed. Every day is the same thing for me, and I am sure, most other parents around the world. All I can say is that so long as we laugh about it all, and share our stories with other parents, we CAN get through this!!

I picked up my girls from childcare after a stressful day arranging and rearranging other people's holidays! Lotus, who is 19 months, didn't want to hold my hand and ran straight out into the car park without even a look back! I managed to just grab her by the hood of her jacket and she flung herself backwards into a tantrum nearly slamming her head into the concrete. I then had to wrestle her kicking and screaming and headbutting backwards, into the car seat, to enjoy her lovely screams all the way home! What an enjoyable 15 minutes of my life that was.

Once home, I got us all inside, packed away all of the various bags filled with artworks etc etc and started to cook dinner. During this time both girls, London aged 4 and Lotus, kept coming in and out of the kitchen nagging me for biscuits, non stop. I gave them a few just to keep them quiet and out of the kitchen while I got stuff prepared but they kept persisting for more and more. In the end I gave them a plate of rockmelon, which they both insisted they didn't want, but sat quiet and still for a full 5 mins whilst they devoured it. When they had finished the rockmelon, Lotus came back into the kitchen, put her fork back into the draw, (not the dishwasher), and promptly demanded more biscuits. It was as this point that I realised she had shat!

I turned the hot plates down and wrestled her to the change table where I had to battle to get the nappy and the poo, (which had gone everywhere!), off of her. She fought me so much that the poo went on her singlet, her pants, her feet, her hands and the towel she was lying on. I got her undressed and thought that I had her cleaned up so I let her go nake into the lounge room whilst I put the shit filled clothes and towel into the washing machine to be washed once I had finished cooking.

On returning to the kitchen I found that the dinner had started to burn and that Lotus actuall still had poo up her back. So, I left the burning dinner to chase her around the room trying to wipe the rest of the poo from her. I returned to the kitchen to try and salvage what I could of the dinner and Lotus followed me in, still naked, and got the stool I use to reach the top cupboards, as she wanted to stand at the hotplates and "help". I got her down and she had another tantrum about more biscuits and then she proceeded to wee on the kitchen floor! So I leave the dinner once again to burn further whilst I try and mop up the wee with the tea towel, and all the while Lotus is crying and slipping over in the wee and she is still naked!

After this I put them both in the bath and came back to continue trying to do something about the dinner. The rest of the evening was less eventful and just involved wrestling Lotus into her pj's and nappy, feeding them both a mostly burnt dinner, having to put Lotus into a head lock to brush her teeth and then listening to her scream for 1/2 hour when I finally managed to get her into bed.

I myself fell asleep at the glorious hour of 7.45pm which would have been fantastic, however a friend rang at 8pm for a vent about the kids!!!!


  1. That was a great laugh! Thank you sooo much. Makes the craziness that happens in my place sound like the norm!! Good to know that I am in good company.

    I am looking forward to reading some more.

  2. Thank you very much for allowing me to laugh with you, I felt as though you were describing my family down to a T.

    and look forward to more great posts from you.

  3. 0h dear ...hope tomorrow is better. I had a quick giggle , honest ;)
