Thursday, May 6, 2010

An already busy schedule!

Ok, so I haven't blogged for AGES, mostly due to the fact that I started at Uni this year! Yes thats right, Uni. On top of managing 2 girls under school age, my part time job as a travel agent extrodinaire, training for my first ever City to Bay fun run, and organising our trip to the UK and Italy, I decided to add a Uni degree to that mix! As if I didn't have enough on my plate already!

Well, I can tell you that the traning for the fun run was the first activity to take a severe dive! I love to run but haven't found the time over the past 2 weeks so I can safely say that I won't be lining up on that starting line this year!

Secondly, thanks to one very annoying volcano, all hell has broken loose in the travel industry of late so I have spent the last month or so reorganising most passengers travel plans. Thanks stupid volcano, can you go back to sleep now????

Uni itself has been an eye opener. The work load is incredible! Who knew! All very exciting but rather time consuming and I am struggling with those cog wheels in my brain, they don't seem to move as nimbly as they did "pre daughters"! All is well however, aside from a slight lull in motivation, (and understanding), last month. We are on the down hill slide to the end of this study period.

In 4 weeks we are off to the UK and Italy with a 2 year old and an almost 5 year old in tow! Should make for some hilarious times I am sure and I will use this blog to keep you informed of our journey and hopefully amused!

Stayed tuned for the adventures...............